Well, well, well. Hmmm...isnt it interesting how tides, as well as safety records, can turn in an instant. Hometown favorite,
Southwest Airlines, seems to think that their peanut fares allows them to drop their passengers off wherever they want. And that includes Central Avenue behind MDW (Chicago Midway Aiport.)
Apparently, in a mad dash to have another "on-time" arrival, the Low-Fare airline felt invincible, thinking that ice and snow diversions didnt apply to them.
It seems as though a flight from BWI (Baltimore) was on final approach into MDW, and landed at over 160mph!!!
Now, from what I understand, and correct me if I am wrong, 737's dont have very effective "flaps" on the front of the wing. These flaps help to create a drag (no comments) effect on the aircraft which helps to slow the airplane down on approach, making it safer to land in icy conditions. They can take 20-30 mph off of the landing speed. The lack of effective flaps, combined with the kind of short runway and a steep glide slope at Chicago Midway, caused this particular plane to skid right off of the runway.... onto the grass.... through the border fence ... and into the intersection of 55th and Central Ave!! The plane ran over two cars.
I am so glad that there were no fatalities on board, and there were many comments praising the Flight Attendants. KUDOS KIDS
Unfortunately, as I am editing this blog, I found out from Donny, my ex, not Donnie in Boise, that one 6 year old boy was killed in one of the cars that I mentioned earlier.
I hope that this will cause Southwest to stop and think a bit more when they are constantly trying to turn these planes on 20 minute turn arounds. Maybe, if they took a deep breath, took and extra 15 minutes or so between legs, this kind of thing won't happen again.
By the way. this is not the first time this has happened to them! ( SEE PHOTO ) This happened to them in 2000 in BUR (Burbank).
Looking back, I dont know of any other airline that this HAS happened to. hmmmmm....interesting, dont you think?
Well...I hope this has made you think about how vulnerable and amazing flying can be. I also hope you will at least pay a teensy bit of attention the next time we are in the aisles flailing our arms around and pointing out exits for you. Believe me...we hate doing it as much as you loathe seeing it. But it is important .
Until our next "leg", remember...
Be nice to the stews, we can save your lives, and we control the liquor !!!We are ready for takeoff from BNA (Nashville).